The funnyest pictures you have ever seen! Funny Blog with funny pictures!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Stupid mirrorFunny Stupid mirror
She should buy a new one
Written at 2:28 AM by funny pictures girl.
Blogger blogger said...
i guess that happens when you got anorexia or some sort of

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That's not so funny.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this isnt funny like but its what happens skinny girls think they are fat..!!

the picture is a gd point though

Anonymous Anonymous said...
really bonny back

Anonymous Anonymous said...
haha jeeez it does proove a pretty dayyumm good pointt ! <3

Blogger AK said...
Thats really sad..

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Another fine example of what sometimes passes for humor on the internet. Either you're incredibly stupid or a complete asshole. Or both.

Who in their right mind could possibly find this image even slightly amusing?!

If I'm not mistaken, this is from an ad promoting awareness of anorexia and other eating disorders. Which is kind of serious, don't you think?

As for the inane language in the caption... Dear sweet b'jaysus...

(Btw, if you find pictures of emaciated bodies funny, check out a world war II documentary. Birkenau! Hilarious!)

Please stop doing everything.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
thats real funny I wish they made a mirror that makes fat people skinny

Anonymous Anonymous said...
thats reli not funny

Anonymous Anonymous said...
if you think this is funny then you are sick.
you try living like this then lets see whos laughing.
god you people make me mad

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Whoever thinks this picture is funny is a very sick individual

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Whoever thinks this picture is funny is a very sick individual

Blogger Unknown said...
anorexia ner·vo·sa (nûr-vō'sə) Pronunciation Key
A psycho physiological disorder usually occurring in young women that is characterized by an abnormal fear of becoming obese, a distorted self-image, a persistent unwillingness to eat, and severe weight loss. It is often accompanied by self-induced vomiting, excessive exercise, malnutrition, amenorrhea, and other physiological changes.

Ha... ha.... ha.
Oh so funny. Do you even know what it's like to never feel good enough? To constantly feel like everyone is eying how you look, watching everything you eat and to live in fear of complete rejection from society simply because of your weight?
Talk to someone who has. I'm sure that your opinion on this being "funny" will change in an instant.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I was a girl and saw that curvy chick in the mirror I'd be jealos... shes hot.

Why can't women get it into thier heads? Slightly curvey girls are SOOO much hotter than unnaturally skinny girls!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hey, it's terrible. unfortunately it's true too.

Blogger Unknown said...
it's not funny. the girls think like this.

sorry for mistakes.

i'm from different country.

Blogger Title said...
I was overweight 18 pounds, wasn't funny, I got on natural safe dietary supplements, now I'm happy with myself and the proper nice normal body I wanted (even for sex) Solution is not eating less, we must eat quality and not quantity. I can share with you exactly what I did

Anonymous Anonymous said...
how is that funny? basically laughin at poeple with the disoder

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i cant tell which ones fatter, the fat bitch in the mirror, or the fat bitch looking into the mirror.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ah.. not so very funny.
I went image searching online to find a mirror and make a picture just like this-
Someone apparently beat me to it.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Funny thing- I'm not far off from the 'fat' one..
But I don't feel fat.
I eat right, run several times a week..
And the boyfriend sure doesn't complain.
Beauty is in the eye...

Blogger Hanna said...
I can't see how this could be funny. It shows a tragic truth. The truth of a person with eating disorder, or the way he or she see himself or herself. The picture is really relevant though.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The girl in the mirror looks good to me.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
im very skinny and i (NOT) annarexic and this picture is NOT funny its sick !

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ok well the person who uploaded this picture is an insensitive moron. who could possibly see the humour in that?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
both sides are pretty good and hot :)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
dude its a freakin picture

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Look it's a fat chick and some chick thats been on the Nicole Ritchie diet, stupid coke head eat some of that fat chicks food.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey look the fat chick sees her next meal, I hate cannibals.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
how is this funny? this is what people with anorexia see every time they look in the mirror. its not funny

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Anonymous said...
really bonny back"
HAHA boned

Anonymous Anonymous said...
that isn't funny!!!!! thats a grave problem!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Contrary to popular belief, this is not funny in any way. Anorexia is a serious disease.

Blogger Jean Francois said...
It's a creepy pic, that's really what the poor ppl with that disease see.

Blogger Unknown said...
that skinny1 is awwwwwfful..

but the fat 1 is ok..mehh u need sum meat but not that much to tap..